Is It too late to recover your smile?

There are more and more health-oriented dental treatments for the elderly. Do not stop smiling!

Oral health is one of the most important issues to consider as we grow older. Over the years, our habits and routines change, as does our life in general. At that moment, the main concerns in this respect go from getting a denture that is or seems as perfect as possible to be able to keep a beautiful and natural smile.

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More and more people are worried about their mouths and what once seemed a minor problem, now has become a matter of great importance. In fact, we see as more and more people in middle age or over the 6th decade of life choose to replace their missing teeth through dental implants or correct the position of orthodontic tooth in adults, something that previously seemed a topic limited to children or teenagers.

Now there are many dental treatments adapted to mature age

In addition, treatments aimed at elderly people have multiplied in recent years, given the need to show the best smile regardless of age. There is a tendency to youth that no longer happens only by dress and attitude, but also by the facial appearance in general. In this sense, and despite what is usually believed, the elderly are one of the groups that are most concerned about their oral health. The functionality of a denture becomes even more important as it is years, so it is not something that can be ignored, since it influences each of the actions we perform day by day.


Taking care of the health of your mouth is fundamental also in adulthood

The most common periodontal problems in the elderly are usually caused by the build up of plaque on the teeth, the loss of the support they need, the deterioration of the gingiva or the recession. Frequently, many people also have a dry feeling, known as xerostomia, caused by the decrease in the amount of saliva present in the oral cavity.


May nothing cloud your smile

Another major problem is loss, whether caused by dental trauma or poor oral hygiene. But everything has a solution if you go to the right professional. Currently there are Systems of dental implantology with which we have at CUTE SMILE that allow to replace the lost teeth without having to take any risk, since they are planned until in the smallest detail.

A beautiful smile is also necessary with age

Remember that health is not at odds with age, so it is never too late to start taking yourself seriously and to smile without complex to the rest. Do not let your mouth give you away and show your best smile to life!

For more information call the clinic's telephone number 5571584079 or write an email to


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  • Applies for patients in full rehabilitation
  • Applies for patients with scheduled surgical procedures
  • Applies for patients in aesthetic dental treatments

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*Treatments without sequence*

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