Consequences of Anorexy and Bullimia in the Oral Cavity

Much is said: consuming sugar destroys the teeth. Soda at all times, infusions, food at any time can play against any mouth. This is because they help to form plaque and in this way they end up generating cavities.

To this risk another one is added: eating disorders. A constant threat against general and oral health in particular.

Anorexy and bullimia
These are the most common eating disorders among people nowadays.

Bullimia nervosa, warns the American Dental Association, is one of the great enemies of oral health.
This disease causes people to consume large amounts of food on the sly and repeatedly. Secondly, whoever suffers from it feels a great discomfort or sadness that comes after binge eating. Finally a bulimia nervosa patient ends up provoking vomit.
The cycle repeats itself over and over again and it is really dangerous for the human body. In the case of the teeth, what happens is that when exposed to the acid of the digestive system they end up being severely eroded. Some teeth come to look translucent thanks to contact with this acid. Also mouth, salivary glands and throat swell.

Anorexy is another disease with serious implications for oral health. In this case people are so afraid of getting fat that they eat too little or, even, nothing at all. In conclusion: they do not acquire the essential vitamins, minerals and proteins for their health. A disorder that, as said by the American Dental Association, potentially damages a person´s teeth.
The key to achieving a "healthy mouth" diet is based on simple attitudes: limiting sodas, eating in a balanced and nutritious way. Lastly do not forget to brush your teeth at least twice a day.

Source: Odontofarma


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